Love Letter to Princess Aida

Once upon a time on Earth, there lived a Hyena named Bannan who had fallen in love with Princess Aida, who resided in the sky. Bannan yearned to express his love to the Princess but was at a loss as to how to deliver a letter to her in the sky. He approached a cat, a cow, and a dog, but they all declined, stating that it was impossible.

Bannan’s luck changed when he met a determined and resourceful Rabbit who offered to deliver the letter to the Princess. Initially, Bannan laughed at the Rabbit, stating that even an eagle would not be able to reach the sky. However, the Rabbit refused to give up and volunteered to try despite the odds.

The Rabbit discovered that the Princess’s servants came to Earth every Saturday to gather firewood for cooking. With the help of the servants, the Rabbit cleverly hid in their belongings and ascended to the sky. Once there, the Rabbit discreetly placed the letter in a location where the Princess could find it.

The Princess discovered the letter and responded to Bannan, requesting that he prove his love with a gift. The Rabbit once again aided Bannan, successfully delivering the gift to the Princess without being detected. Impressed by the Rabbit’s ingenuity, the Princess decided to visit Earth to marry Bannan.

As the Princess and Bannan debated the best path to take, the Rabbit appeared once more, offering to lead them to their destination. Despite their initial skepticism, they ultimately agreed, and the Rabbit led them to their final destination.

Ultimately, the Princess discovered that it was the Rabbit’s intelligence and resourcefulness that drew her to Bannan. She ultimately married the Rabbit and returned to the sky, leaving Bannan on Earth in search of a bride.

Moral Lesson

In the story of Bannan the Hyena and Princess Aida, we learn a valuable lesson about the power of persistence and determination. When Bannan wrote a letter to the princess, he encountered numerous obstacles in finding a way to deliver it to her in the sky. But it was the Rabbit who stepped up to the challenge, refusing to let the seeming impossibility of the task hold him back. Despite the doubts of those around him, he persevered and found a way to deliver the letter and subsequent gifts to the princess.

The Rabbit’s tenacity and willingness to try, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, ultimately led to his success and the admiration of those around him. And it was this same determination that caught the attention of Princess Aida, who saw in the Rabbit the same intelligence and ingenuity that she had admired in Bannan.

The moral of this story is clear: we must always be willing to try, no matter how daunting the task may seem. We should not be deterred by the doubts of others or the obstacles we may encounter, but instead approach every challenge with an open mind and a determined spirit. For it is through our willingness to try that we will find success, achieve our goals, and inspire those around us.

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